Bye bye Mr.Bad boy
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  • Membaca 148
  • Suara 7
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi <5 mins
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Jan 26, 2014
" I don't like him anymore "
" here we go again, dude everyone knows you like him and your whipped"
" no no I'm serious this time, I'm gonna move on from him once and for all he's just a piece shit to me now"
" suuuuuurrrre I believe you"
" you'll see"
Lily Piper, the once hopeless romance and secretly still is a little bit, the sarcastic, witty wallflower.In love with Luke,the cute and HOT arrogant,self-centered,man whore Bad boy. How cliche! Love letter to Mr.bad boy over their gone wrong in middle school leads to rejection and lets see what else oh ya! Did i mention that the rejection was in the cafeteria for the world to see? Well yeah. Lily wants a fresh start in high school and forget about Luke but its not easy with him living in the room across from you is it?and what happens when Middle school nerdy Lily finally got contacts changed her style a bit and finally grew a back bone? hell breaks loose ( sorry not very good Intro. but please give this story a try!)
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