The night seemed silent with him, despite all of the racket going on 26 floors below us.
"Why do they call you Dusk?" I turn and inquire.
A slight smile fades across his lips. I would give anything to reach over and brush the pad of my finger across them, but I restrain myself. I can't let myself ruin this perfect moment.
"Because I only come out at night," He settles on finally. I let out a breath of laughter, peeking back at him once more. Both him and the moment draw me in, and for once I feel content with my life. Suddenly though, he perks up. "Duty calls." He says finally, giving one last longing smile.
Then he flips off the roof, soaring into the night, leaving me alone on the building roof.
What I would give to be soaring with him then was inexplicable. And, little did I know, there was nothing he wanted more than to waste the night away with me on that roof, far away from his superhero identity.
Skipper "Kip" Link is a sullen high school girl, tortured by normality and constantly wishing for something greater than the boring life set out for her.
But a chain of tragedies that left her older sister and many others dead proved to be reason enough for the city to be extra cautious. And, of course, to worship the illusive hero, Dusk.
Dusk's powers were inhumane and constantly saved the city from the inevitable trouble they were always in.
But trouble always slows down during the violet hour, and much to Kip's surprise, that's just what she needs.