"Someone has to help."
Those were Tadashi's last words, the words that first go through Hiro's head in the morning, the last words he thinks of before he falls asleep, and every moment in between is spent remembering his brother, who died in a fire.
But did Tadashi really die?
What if Tadashi was just kidnapped?
When Tadashi runs into the burning building, he finds three girls, all who say they work for Callaghan. Callaghan holds Tadashi prisoner- at least until Hiro and his friends put Callaghan in jail. Just when things look better for Tadashi, they get worse immediately. Someone else takes over from where Callaghan left off and they make Tadashi do most of the work.
Something bad happens, and two of the girls run away out of complete and utter terror. They meet up with Hiro and the rest of the Big Hero 6 team.
Together, they might just save Tadashi and stop a new supervillain from taking over.
When I started this book, Big Hero 6 the series had not been released, so events in the series might not be in this book. Also, in the new series, the Fujitas, who are awesome vanished villains, might have different names and personalities, so they're going to be different than they are in this book.
I hope you enjoy!