[Description under construction] A virus swept through the regions like wildfire. It targeted Pokémon and people alike, making them drop dead like flies. The selfish monsters known as humans created a vaccine, but only for themselves. By the time the virus took its course through the Pokémon, ninety-five percent of the creatures had already been surrendered to death. Without the Pokémon, the eco system begins shifting out of balance. The only answer is to make more Pokémon, but without any to breed, scientists come up with a new solution. New technology allowed mankind to transfer the heart of a child into a dead Pokémon's body. Their souls become trapped inside of the Pokémon while there body is disposed of. However, they were only allowed to go through with the procedure if the child's guardian gives them permission. Only few parents gave away their child, the other parents couldn't part with their kid knowing what would happen to them. There weren't nearly enough kid donations to satisfy the new Pokémon population. That was when the black market of children was made. They kidnapped hundreds of kids off the streets, from their homes, and when they weren't looking. These kids were forced through the excruciatingly painful procedure without their parents ever knowing. When Dakota and her best friend Mia are kidnapped and sold on the black market, they become nothing but property to the government. When the escape the facility, they are unlucky. It was too late, they already went through the changing. Now on the run, Dakota wants a purpose other than just survival. She wants to help the many kids in the same situation as her. Together, her Mia as Pokémon rise up to make a difference and put and end to changing. "We are all different at heart." ~~ I do not own Pokémon, only my original characters and plot. Cover was made me. Enjoy!All Rights Reserved
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