Venomania No Ouyake No Kyouki also known as Madness of Duke Venomania is a Vocaloid PV mainly by Kamui Gakupo's Seven Deadly Sin's Version: Luxuria (Lust) Link : Summary to the Original Story of Venomania No Ouyake No Kyouki The song is about a man, Duke Sateriajis Venomania (Gakupo), who, in his childhood, had been mocked and taunted by others. In adulthood, he made a deal with the devil to have an irresistible charisma to women. As a result, women are now flocking to his mansion's basement to create a harem for him. One of these women happens to be the one who "made him for a fool", his childhood friend, Gumina Glassred (Gumi). However, a jealous man, Kachees Crim (Kaito) who had lost his love to Venomania , came to his palace, disguised as a woman, and stabbed him in the chest with a poisoned knife. The charm now broken, the women flee from his mansion, and as Venomania dies, he sees a glimpse of his childhood friend, and reveals that he had truly loved her. Akuno-P gave keywords to this song, 「踊ろうよ このハーレムで」 (“Let's dance in this harem”) and its initial phrase is 「さあ、踊ろうか」 ("Now, Shall we dance?"). The official English title of the song is "Dance with Asmodeus".
4 parts