Halley White, a 16 year old girl, with multiple problems follows a boy named Elijah (Lij) on the Internet for two years. She falls in love with him, while is procrastinating on telling him, she finds out that she's only got 6 months to live at most if an operation to straighten her spine and stop it from crushing her lungs doesn't go to plan. To think matters couldn't get any worse, Halley's ex boyfriend Peter, who is 6 years older than her comes back into her life causing her depression to get even worse, Lij was having a Picnic gig in Melbourne on the same day, and he followed her on the train too the gig where he gets violent. Lij watches from afar, does Lij do anything? Does Lij become Halley's hero shes been in need of for so long? Will Peter finally leave Halley and her family alone?