Rowan has been attached to a being, a tad less than angelic. Actually the only way she ever described him when she was young was a monster. He'd been the monster under the bed, the "bumps in the night", the shadow lurking in the closest, the feeling of being watched. She had dealt with what everyone passed off as child tales and worries for all her life and as normal kids started growing up and out of their childish worries, she was plagued by them. He started as a kind of imaginary friend, told her to do things, just little things, that got her in trouble. He then went away for a long while visiting only briefly but then he was back, giving her small uncomfortable feelings, and then he began to mess with her friends when they came over. And it progressed as she get's older. She still has some strange bond with him. They were the only ones who understood one another. Even though he's caused her such discomfort, they were best friends. Now he tells her he had been protecting her from worse things that lurked from behind her windows; That while she slept he sat by her bed to comfort her and scare away other beings; That she had been his since the time of conception. Rowan is sucked head first into a world she only had a slight clue of and she discovers she plays a way bigger role than she could of ever imagined.