My parents were divorced while I was at a young age, and everything went black. My dreams, my hope, my everything. Singing was my compassion, but now that I was only left with my brother and mom at age 8, I was pretty sure that my life was better left...alone. Everything was dark- and that was what I was afraid of. Memmories would flash back when my dad would swing me around, like I was weightless, and kiss me on my cheek. Atleast I knew he loved me. I wish everyone would. But life was different now, I had to focus on school, home, and my dreams! Sometimes, I would lay down on my bed and dream that I would be the best singer in the world, and I would be world famous. Who knew that my dream would become true? My journey was yet to start...but that all doesn't mattter. I bet you already know who I am, because I am Ariana Grande.
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