°Entry 1; Mytis/Uranus || scientist : I have gathered various idioms to make and build. . .but. . .I haven't been getting to construct important things. . .such as, food locations and devices. Apparently devices are needed here. . .but the other planets are very. . .VERY suspicious about this. . considering earth failed at inventing the electronics, only for it to take over and brainwash over 97% of the planet, including the human beings. I can't give up just yet. .even at my current state of being weak. .for that I can determine. The 'people' of all 10 planets rely on me. . . .don't screw this up, Mytis.
°2: I have gotten the hang of this, my inventions are actually working. All I ever need are glass cleaners. . .damnit. . .well, I'll get them next time. Anyways, I have built SO MANY great and useful things, like the pharmacy, hospital, moving sidewalks, schools, houses, and just other important things. I am currently building more of these on the other planets in space, which is hard from how far away they are. . .but luckily I have invented a better version of earths rocket ship, so I travel a little bit faster from planet to planet. I have consented everybody about how they wanted their place to look like, so I followed and respected what they ordered. However, I would have my lone helpers to go visit the planets if any of my machines and buildings break or fall apart. Hmm. . .this problem was rare, occasionally, so I think I've done good. Don't you think?
°3: Everything is corrupting, people are dying, they don't know what to do- I don't know what to do. . .is this all my fault? No, it couldn't be, THEY wanted this, THEY needed me, THEY asked for this. . . . .which leads fingers pointing to me. . .I invented these, I created these-these LIFE THREATENING. . .I . . .I can have a solution to this problem. . .I can figure it out, I can do this. Don't think like that, Mytis. Sigh, ok. I've got my brain, my status, my special tech. Let's fix this mesTous Droits Réservés