Arz has Petunia and is threatening Luke ! What is Luke going to do ? Will Petunia be okay ? Or is she forever stuck with Arz? And will never see her Lukey again ... With all this drama with Luke and Arz, I decided to write a funny fanfic to make yall laugh in this time of need . Arz has been threatening to expose Luke whilst having Petunia with her which ain't good at all ... but I am not trying to be mean to Arz or Luke this is just some fun. Guys I honestly don't know what to believe anymore with this drama tbh,so I'm just gonna write it as if the boys have not done anything wrong. This DOES NOT MEAN I don't believe Arzaylea, everyone makes mistakes and I bet the boys have so ... and plus I don't think Arzaylea has 100% lied about everything, I feel their is truth behind her words and I still support the boys/Luke regardless of what they have done, and nothing is going to change that. So for this fanfic if you like Arz and believe her words I suggest you do not read this . Also this is a short story , so this is only like 4 chapters xxAll Rights Reserved