This story takes place in Mother Russia where Alexander McKinnon inherits his father's wealth, including mansions, his business, cars, women and the thirst for blood....... Alexander begins to explore his craving for young girls and finds easy ways to kill these girls without blinking..... Sick and twisted he begins his assault one by one he kills.... But a twist to the story his killings deepends and he found out his father had sold his soul to the devil.... As his physical features begin to change.... Horns, finger nails, sharp teeth like a two edged sword..... His eyes would go from a ocean blue to a sick bright red
McKinnon is not who we think as he transforms into a windigo ........ Finding out about this terrible deal he goes to the end of the earth to break this deal that his father had done.... Treacherous adventures Alexander must endure........ He further founds out that the cure for his illness is in Beijing China.......
Will Alexander get his cure take a read to find out