War changes people. No man I've known has come out the same. You may win,but at what price. Men you fought with, your brothers, brothers in arms, and your friends lay dead on the hard cold ground. Some people change for the better,while some are left in darkness. Some men prosper from war, and after it live good lives, Some men lost everything, and have nothing. Some men still smile, while others are led into insanity. Which one am I? I don't know. What I do know is that war, leads to changes. In our self,personality,body, and mind. No one comes out the same, not ever.I should now this because I have survived years of war.
After her death in her previous life, a young woman was reborn in a new world with a unique, but powerful gamer system. Watch as she grows stronger, and finds love along the way!
[Notable Achievements] - [Number 1 on Godlike, Number 1 on Hope Mikaelson, Number 1 on Legacies, Number 1 on Lesbian, Number 1 on Futanari, Number 1 on Overpowered, Number 1 on Harry Potter, Number 1 on StrongtoStronger, Number 1 on Gamer, Number 1 on Sophieturner, Number 1 on Danmachi]
[Harem/Polgamy of 5 girls]