This is a documentation about My life . In the future I will write insults on various things that happen in this documentation. hope u like this! My goal is to graduate high school. Then get a job. Work a while. later I want to study technology, nature and economy. Then I want to start working as a programmer at a company and work there while doing my own project in my spare time. Then I want to start a own technology company that develops all sorts of new, good and sustainable technologies that can be used at home, for example, technology that can cure and help in the field of care, etc. New mobile and computer technology also includes new technologies for schools and other jobs and other brand new technologies that no one has ever had before. I want to try to create green enrgi that does not harm nature and do not use all of our resources as a sustainable enegi source. There are a few of the things I want my company to work with. And that's the way you'll follow and even hear my thoughts and ideas. By: Viktor Sörensson Student on a high school in Lund that called "NTI gymnasiet"All Rights Reserved
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