Kylie just graduated from a medical assistant college, and is enrolled into a mental institution, 'Mental asylum', as an aid.
She knows there are some pretty 'mental' and twisted people there, but what she doesn't know is that she has been placed as an aid to the MOST INSANE person in the whole institute.
Zayn Malik.
Zayn Malik is, well, INSANE, or 'mental'. He has been in the institute ever since he was 10 years old, when he tried to commit suicide, and claimed that the 'voices' told him to do so.
He is 19 now and is still troubled in life, still hearing the voices, still wanting to take his life, only to please his so called 'friends', in his head.
When a new aid is called to take the place of Zayns old one, 'Kylie ', What will become of the two of them? Will Zayn finally care for someone other than his so called 'friends'? Will Kylie do all that is in her might to help Zayn get better? , or will his walls crumble on top of him, only to bring both of the down.