Hi I'm Black Rose but every pony just calls me Rose. It's really hard to explain my life but here it goes. I was born an anicorn......ya that wasn't so hard. Anyway, My mom is a unicorn and my dad is a pegases. My parents died when Me and my brother were young, My brother's name is Red Flame and he is a pegases, after our parents died we had to live on our own. My brother joined the thunderbolts and I just stayed at home. I am a mare (alittle younger than twilight and the gang) and I still don't have my cutie mark mostly because I stayed locked up all my life, because I wanted to. I was never really good around ponies and I have anger issues. But my brother eventually convences me to move to Ponyville and aleast make some friends. I don't know how this will turn out and frankly I don't want to know.All Rights Reserved