So Trump is 16 years old and he's in 11th grade. Killing people has became a problem to Trump like a sickness lately. Trump had been killing people since that day,he killed Sanders. He loved that moment so,he kept killing for money again and again. Trump wasn't the same person after he killed Sanders. He started changing into a MoneyYandere. A year later, he was a TRUE MoneyYandere. Every day,he could kill someone he knew that had money. He even killed his own parents to take their money and to live happily with money. Trump even killed people with a phone charger. He choked someone with his phone charger. Trump was NEVER the same after he killed Sanders. Trump had went so insane that he even drew the bodys of the people he killed. Trump also liked to stalk his school's Twitter page. Trump killed people with a phone charger,sword,knife,screwdriver, and more. Trump loved to kill for money. He was more insane than Yandere-chan and she not really that insane.. She just killed people because she wanted to protect her senpai. Now Trump has gone to far.. He poisoned his parents,killed his best friend,killed all of the teachers in his school,and a lot more. Trump is a MoneyYandere.All Rights Reserved