a larry stylinson fanfic. Louis Tomlinson was troubled. Spending 3 years in juvenile prison for nearly killing his friend Ashton. When he gets out, his family wants nothing to do with him. So he has no choice but to live with his repulsive Aunt Lilith in the city of Manchester. "She collects kids" as some would say. I guess you could say her house seems more like an ominous orphanage, than a stable home. Not only does she care for Louis Tomlinson, but she cares for 4 other teens. Gray, Venus, Iris, and Meadow. Who I guess, are forced to do her dirty work. He gets a job at an old arcade, having to clean the place at nights- all by himself. And spend the afternoon tending to costumers who don't seem to have a big enough brain. Harry Styles, shows up one day. Needing a job..... But let me remind you. He was always against gay people. Venus and Iris were together, Meadow was just gay... and then there was Gray, who didn't feel anything towards anyone. Harry, he had his eye out for Louis. And he didn't like that idea.All Rights Reserved