Two figures stand, silhouetted, watching the sun set. If they turned around they would be able to see what was unfolding, the thing that was set to occur. But they didn't turn. They almost seemed to be ignoring it, wishing it not to happen. The sun dipped low over the horizon and was sucked away. The blue tinge of after light set in. The still city felt the last dregs of sunlight being pulled off the tops of the sky-scraping buildings. A dim light appeared, glowing and throbbing, at the heart of the city. It began to expand and brighten, like a flower caught in a time-lapse. At the heart of the light was a girl with wings, hovering in mid-air, mouth open in a scream, her hair floating as if she was underwater, arms spread wide. She falls and it feels like an eternity before she hits the ground. Maybe it was. And so, the end began.