Walking in the woods for the past year alone wasn't really that great but it's the apocalypse so beggers can't be choosers. So Houston Ranee was walking threw the woods on a sunny warm afternoon with her scythe strapped to her back looking for a place to raid. She thought of her past. Her parents were scientists and brilliant ones at that though they love there girl by order of their Superior they turned her into a weapon to fight the dead ones. She was faster and stronger then normal people and with the intense training they gave her made it hard on her. Being 6 years of age and being a test experiment she thought that what life was and ever knew. The constant injections of different types threw her life changed her eye color from brown to blood red. As she got older she got stronger and faster and was able to escape the Laboratory. Now at the age of 28 she was more then capable to look out for herself. With her smarts and her trusty weapon Stealth she made her way out killing everyone and anything that got in her way. As she made her way threw the woods she came across ten walkers and thought " this will be easy an hell." And with that she took stealth out slicing every walker that came tword her. When she was done she put stealth away and continued walking. Finding a store she walked in cautious of what was inside. She held her knife up and flashlight and slowly walked threw. Finding batteries,4 bottled water bottles, and some chips she placed them in her bag. As she was about to walk out she started to hear vehicles coming down the road tword her so she ran back inside and headed for the roof of the store hoping she will not be spotted. Now all she could is wait.All Rights Reserved