Its the marauders 6th year at Hogwarts and they were determined to figure out the secret that's been bothering them for years. That secret was not one of their own but one everyone in Hogwarts had been trying to figure out since the marauders second year. That secret was the manipulative Dare Devil was. You see ever sine their second year this mysterious person had been showing up in disguise and a protection bubble around themselves to play a twisted version of truth or dare. She would pick a random student at breakfast weather they wanted to answer a truth or wanted to do a dare. Once the student had answered they would just, disappear without a trace in a puff of black smoke. They wouldn't even tell the poor student that what their truth or dare was until a random point during the day. The only problem was if they didn't do what they where told, answer the truth in front of people or do the dare, then they would get horribly pranked that always seemed to get blamed on the marauders. This year was different though, they decided it was their year and they were going to find out who this Dare Devil was and why none of them had been picked before.All Rights Reserved