Barry never knew that two villians would be the ones to rescue him from himself. It has been three months since the singularity incident and Barry has never felt more alone or guilty in his life. Iris has abandoned him, blaming him for Eddie's death even though she never said so aloud; Caitlin told him to his face that she blamed him for Ronnie's death and that she never wanted to speak to him again; Cisco avoided him whenever he could, never once trying to talk to him about what happened; Joe West, the only person Barry thought he could trust, was disappointed in him; and Oliver was too busy back in Starling City to notice or even realize the stress he was going through. Everyone that Barry loved and considered family has abandoned him, leaving him to deal with protecting the city alone. What happens when two of Barry's (the Flash's) arch enemies take in the speedster and begins taking care of him? Will Barry continue to spiral down a deep dark hole or will he find solace in the two criminals he swore to put behind bars for their crimes?All Rights Reserved