Starling, a young male SkyWing, has grown up as an only dragonet, alone besides his mother. Starling's mother, Sparrow, was a very secretive dragon, and whenever he tried to ask about his father, she either ignored him or changes the subject.
Starling has never known another way of life besides the single-handed lonely parenting his mother used, and soon finds out in training school that it's not normal to only have one parent.
Starling's best friend, Lucite, is different too, she has strange black markings on her talons, tail, wings, and snout, and she too has never known her father.
Together, Starling and Lucite grow curious about their past, and what their mothers could possibly be hiding.
Another curious possibly clue is that Starling wears a neckband, made of silver and laced gold to show his mother's wealth, but the curious thing about this was; no matter how hard he tried, Starling couldn't take it off.
Lucite comes to a conclusion that this might be connected to his father, and if they find out how to take it off, they might have a chance at finding the truth...