Synopsis: Kirstein has a mysterious and handsome Korean boyfriend named Gyungsuk. They met in an old park in Seoul Korea.They meet there every single day and deeply fell in love to each other.But one day, Gyungsuk never came back. Kirstein is clueless for the lost of Gyungsuk. She is finding him but all was in vain. Kirstein became lonely and sad. Two years later, Kirstein became a member of secret International Club with the help of an old friend. But before she became a member there, she went through a difficult tasks. A few days later, in that club, she and Gyungsuk crossed path, but Gyungsuk was totally different. He was with another beautiful girl, and that girl is very dangerous. She found out that she can never be near him, because Gyungsuk belonged to a group called 'The Geonjuk' the highest ranks in the club, they are untouchables.She dreamt to reach out for him, but there is only one way for this to happen. Is to be part of the group (Geonjuk) itself, but there are certain deadly challenges and danger to be faced.