Vanessa always had everything in life. She acted like the world owes her, like the world can and will only revolve around her.
It's tragic that she fell in love with the person who doesn't want her. How will she deal with the fact that there are, in fact, some things in life that even she can't have?
She made mistakes and tried to ruin a few lives, which in turn ruined her own. What she thought was her greatest downfall, was in fact, the needed conclusion to a dying chapter, so a new and a more exciting-the greatest-part of her life can begin.
Formerly titled The Bitch's Fairytale
• mature content
• smut
• r-18
• love
• gxg
• bxg
not suitable for minors and close minded.
BEWARE what you read!!!!!!
this writer is not perfect, please bear with me. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!