13 parts Ongoing In a seemingly ordinary high school, a group of friends gathers for a sleepover study session, eager to prepare for their upcoming IB exams. But as the night unfolds, they find themselves trapped in a nightmare of their own making, confronted by their deepest fears and a malevolent entity that feeds on their insecurities.
When a fire breaks out, leaving their classmates mysteriously missing and a chilling presence lurking in the hallways, Lila, Carlos, Jamal, Raj, Zara, Daniel and the rest must navigate the horrors that ensue. As they uncover the tragic backstory of Maya Varsha, a bullied student who died in their school decades ago, they realize that the past has come back to haunt them.
With relationships tested and secrets unveiled, the group grapples with fear, loss, and the bonds of friendship. As they face their fears in horrifying visions, they must confront not only the vengeful spirit of Maya but also their own struggles with trauma and resilience.
As the night reaches its climax, the friends make a pact to support each other through their darkest moments. But just when they think they've escaped the nightmare, a shocking death at a celebratory party reveals that the terror is far from over.
"The Last Bell" is a gripping tale of survival, friendship, and the relentless grip of fear, reminding us that sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones we carry within us.