A society based on endless growth is unsustainable...entropy ensures this. In the year of 2050, the world that seemed to be a near Utopia gave out...the vital oil reserves almost completely run dry, with only select reserves still pumping, and leaving entire nations without power. The world is plunged into darkness, and a teenage girl named Amanda residing in Las Rocas, California is thrust in a world where it becomes survival of the fittest and man becomes cannibalistic. With her family, they make a run from the uprisings plaguing the heavily populated areas and run for the supposed safe havens in the untamed areas of the Midwest, dodging crazed individuals, and armed gangs fighting for the remaining oil reserves.
This is a story of symbolism, and a warning to what extortion of our Earth will lead to, and represents our psychological foundation of animalism.
This work is heavily influenced by the musical works of the band Muse...primarily the messages told in the music in their albums "The 2nd Law" and "The Resistance."All Rights Reserved