24 Bagian Sedang dalam proses In a world overrun by the undead, a group of seemingly random teenagers find themselves trapped together in the midst of a brutal zombie apocalypse. Each comes from a different background, with unique personal struggles and complex emotional scars. Despite their differences, they must learn to live, fight, and-most of all-survive together. As they navigate the horrors outside, the battles within their own minds prove just as intense, with mental and physical challenges testing their will to endure.
Trigger Warning:
This story delves into sensitive topics, including various mental health issues such as anorexia, trauma/ptsd, depression, bipolar disorder, anger disorders, and anxiety. It also touches on physical illnesses and includes graphic depictions of abuse and self-harm. I have put significant effort into researching these conditions to portray them as realistically as possible. However, I acknowledge that I may not capture every detail perfectly, and no disrespect is intended. Please remember that this is a work of fiction, and its primary aim is to explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity.
Written by Lina