Niall is charging full steam ahead with his life; anything he does, he does with the intent to succeed. He's so caught up in his plans, however, that he kinda fails to notice the omnipresent boy in the corner, pining away. Liam doesn't really have much of a life. He likes Niall, waterfalls, Niall, children, Niall, all the stars in the sky, and, oh yeah, NIALL. He's beginning to get a bit sickened with himself at this point, actually. But he may or may not have a plan to win over who he thinks is the school's pinnacle of perfection. And it may or may not involve stars. -- -- -- Hello! I feel it's necessary to point out that I'm rather a novice at this, and I welcome any comments, whether it be on my writing, my characters, or my storyline, or whatever. I also feel it's necessary to point out that this story is going to be rather...homosexual, so if that kind of stuff makes you uncomfortable, well, then, I guess this is the end of the road for you and my story. But for everyone else, I do hope you'll like it! :) xx Tricia ps- the world's biggest huggles to Luce (ladybugluck) for making a totally awesome cover to replace my completely embarrassing one! :)