In the year 2130, 50 years after World War III, the war has left a crater where Perth, Australia once stood, a place now filled with contaminated rubble in the middle of the Ocean on one side, and the Dessert on the other. This spot, known as "The Black Spot", has no electrical power and is seen as a dark spherical patch from outer space and one of many Black Spots across Australia. The Black Spot eventually becomes populated by outcasts, some of whom, as a result of the contamination, gain various powers called "fragments". Those in possession of such fragments come to be known as "Needless" Even though Needless posses the Fragments which allow them to weald certain abilities, they grow weak over time as well as their abilities weakness. They are still human.. just contaminated humans. Also, most don't grow up to be the age past 20, considering Adam usually finds them before hand......