[ Discontinued ] Have... you ever heard a word or phrase that just made your head spin or your heart race... But not in the good way? Well, I have, for far too long. It taunts me whenever I sleep or wake up. Whenever I think I'm alone or safe. It comes back and haunts me to no end... And do you know what that word is..? "Iguo" If you've watched the roleplay by NewScapePro on YouTube then you know what this is about, if not then you should totally watch it. This takes place after the last episode of the series so you might want to watch that if you want to get but if you don't, that's cool too. You'll probably just be confused. Characters here belong to Yandere Dev, except Uni-Chan who belongs to UniComics. The idea (Yandere Rivals) belongs to NewScapePro. (Pretty sure, please correct me if I'm wrong)