Big empty rooms. Yells echoing across the corridors. The stench of Mother's whisky breath. The sound of the clock in the dining hall where Father never eats, endlessly ticking away the hours without him. Sometimes, there are scars that don't go away. This is not a love story. It's not about magic and hope. This is the story of my life, for the times I had no one but the stars.
I clambered onto the roof, even if it was chilly for star watching. I needed a helping hand.
“Why?” I asked the sky, the moon, the stars—anyone who would listen. But they didn’t answer. How childish of me, to talk to the stars, I was pathetic wasn’t I? Yet I tried again.
“Help?” Nothing.
“Talk to me you damn stars!” I shouted.
Just then, a shooting star flew by, like a dashing stroke of paint, gone as quickly as it had come. It seemed that this was my chance. I said,
“I wish someone would love me, as much as I love the stars.”
And to those words, I went back into my room, my cell, and awaited my fate.
As I see my mom walk out the door I look at my dad smiling at me. The way he smiled at me made realize how afraid he was. I glance at him and give him a fake smile before he comes up to me and gives me a hug. The warmth of his body was reassuring but I feel the tears start to come down his face. I didn't want to lose him......ever.
My dad Kevin who always is there by my side needed me there for him I glance at him and smile and he kisses my cheek.
He whispers "Everything...will be alright."
I wasn't quite sure what he meant but I nod my head.
He lets go of me and looks at me before he turns away he says "I will be in my room if you need anything, okay princess?"
In a quiet tone I respond with an okay.
I recall my mom saying before she left to me " I love you Samantha."
It just replays and replays in my head "I love you Samantha."
I am shocked out of my thinking when I hear a loud smash and the sound of glass breaking from my dads bedroom.