"The Korean exchange" follows the whirlwind adventures of KJ Chilombo, a charismatic foreign exchange student from the United States, as she embarks on an internship at DPR Visuals, a renowned film production company in South Korea. Amidst the bustling streets of Seoul and the vibrant world of Korean entertainment, KJ finds herself caught up in a series of unforgettable experiences that will forever shape her life.
From the moment KJ sets foot in South Korea, she is introduced to a vibrant group of new friends who become her guide to the city's lively cultural scene. Together, they navigate the intricacies of Korean university life, with its unique blend of academic rigor and youthful exuberance.
However, as KJ delves deeper into the inner workings of the company, she uncovers shocking, betrayals, and personal losses that shake her newfound confidence. Balancing her loyalty to her friends and her own aspirations, KJ must navigate a treacherous path filled with moral dilemmas and difficult choices.
Amidst the chaos, KJ also finds herself caught in a web of romantic entanglements. Crushes develop, emotions run high, and the boundaries of friendship are tested as love and ambition collide.
"The Korean Exchange" is a heartfelt and entertaining journey that explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of navigating the entertainment industry. As KJ immerses herself in the colorful tapestry of South Korean culture, she learns valuable lessons about loyalty, resilience, and the power of following her dreams. Along the way, she discovers that the road to success is paved with unexpected twists and turns, and that true growth often comes from the most unlikely sources.
Started 10/20/17
Finished 01/31/2021
What happens when you find everything you could ever want wrapped in a beautiful foreign packaging?
STARTED: November 22, 2020
ENDED: June 13, 2021
BONUS CHAPTER 1: July 4, 2021
BONUS CHAPTER 2: July 6, 2021
BONUS CHAPTER 3: December 31, 2021
Contains foul language, alcohol abuse, sexual relations, and triggering situations.
All gifs, images, and music belong to their respective owners. I only own the story. BTS character use is only intended for visuals and in no way represents their real life personalities. This story is in no way meant to insult or defame any character therein.