Silly, surreal and sometimes serious, these thirty-one very short stories cover a vast range of subjects and themes. Written entirely during July 2012, these flash fiction pieces are accompanied by a deeply unscientific analysis of the challenge that spawned them: to write thirty-one stories in thirty-one days.
From lovesick androids to disgruntled minotaurs, the stories in this book embrace Classical mythology, futuristic sci-fi, and a variety of other genres that would much rather have stayed out of the way. Within these electronic pages, you will find disgraced superheroes, unionised zombies, steam-powered clowns and incompetent astronauts. Includes a non-fiction section analysing the results of this month-long experiment.
The goal: A new short story, every weekday, for a year. That's about 260 stories, for anyone keeping count.
This is Volume #1, covering January and February stories.
Inside you'll find a mix of Fantasy, Literary and Science Fiction, occasionally seasoned with a dash of Horror.
Every now and again though, I'll share some more experimental stuff.
I really hope you enjoy it!