After Marcel(basicallyidowrk) and Scotty(407/fourzer0seven)'s last altercation, marcel wakes up randomly one day feeling sick, and goes to the bathroom to throw up. He overlooks it until it keeps happening throughout the rest of the week. He goes to the hospital and the doctors are absolutely baffled. Marcel is shocked and happy, until he realizes that he's gonna have to tell Scotty. Marcel tries hiding the fact. He does it pretty well until there was no hiding it. Scotty gets curious about the fact that marcel was, "getting fat" as quick as he was, and leaves Marcel no choice but to reveal the truth. And scotty is...... (Time for another cliffhanger just to piss the readers off. If youve read my other books, you saw this coming. To discover what is up with marcel you'll have to read the book. Sorry I like pissing you off with cliffhangers. MUHAHA.) This is the second book in a sequal that I made. If you haven't read the first book, you'll have no idea what the characters are talking about and doing. This was requested, and thought of by both me and BabyDelirious22 he/she does fanart and they are awesome. As always this story is off the top of my head and is more than likely to be completely random, yet in a way make sense. Sorry if it sucks. I'm gonna try not to put smut in this story, but the character will be referencing the smutty acts they did in the last book. (and I'm the evilpinkcreeper so there will more than likely actually be smut and just lying to you guys and myself. )
15 parts