WARNING: Rated R/NC-17 Mature Content, Language and Sex. Erotica/Pleasure/Romance. If your a reader who can't handle written erotic sex and dirty talk then DO NOT READ THIS. Helena and Jung spend a weekend together once a month. Both are well-known celebrities in their respective industries yet risk their high profile careers to see each other. For five years they have lied to friends, family basically the world. Through thick and thin their secret and turbulent relationship has sustained itself until this weekend. The lies Helena and Jung tell the world and themselves finally catch up to them the a suite of a hotel in Paris. Can Helena end things with Jung by finally being honest? Secrets always come to the light, especially when you're in the spotlight. Let me reiterate again this is rated R/NC-17 for sex, language and suggestive erotic themes. I'm talking Zane level stuff people. So please be advised! Character Image References *Helena Daniels - Sza *Baek Han Jung - Ok Taec Yeon (2PM Member)