43 parti Completa Per adulti"You can't do nothing for yourself?" She shakes her head while looking at her feet, "Look at me and answer me with your words."
She slowly looks up, "N-No S-Sir." I walk pass her and she keeps her head down, "Don't just stand there, follow me. I'm taking you back, I didn't sign up for this. I was told to watch over a woman, but I wasn't told that the woman couldn't do anything for herself. Your basically a kid in a grown woman body."
I look back at her from the corner of my eye and see a tear sliding down her face. "Are you crying? Why? You couldn't have gotten attached that quick." She keeps her head down and I groan, "Ugh, please stop crying."
She wipes her face and sniffle, "Why are you crying?"
"Because the old man promised me that you would take care of me. He lied to me, you're taking me back to that place." I throw my head back and close my eyes shut. By old man she means my father.
"Okay, okay, okay. Stop crying, I'm not taking you back."
Niall Andrews is the son of a man who saves people that have been kidnapped. These people go missing from days to years. Niall is building up his own company to compete against his dad. As soon as Niall company starts growing, his father pushes a woman on him to take care of.
Haven Posh has been in a basement since she was a baby. She was kidnapped months after she was born. Niall's dad is the person to find Haven and save her, but none of Haven family are around for her to go back to. Not only that, Haven can't do anything for herself. The only thing she can do is clean herself and read, but don't know what any of the words mean or what she's reading.
What happens when Haven ends up in Niall's care?
Cover By: @ihavenocluesoo