Synopsis: Follow the original twelve Zodiacs as they try to learn teamwork and how to rule certain aspects of the world while protecting it from an ancient family of monsters. Notes: Mostly Leo-centric, but all of the Zodiacs will have their chance to shine! I hope that through learning of the original myths surrounding the Zodiacs (along with some of my own artistic license and embellishment) I can provide what has been so sadly lacking in most modern astrology for the signs: depth. Contains some yaoi and graphic content in some chapters. Most text is WGA registered since I do plan to eventually publish this for real, but most pictures were found on public domain. Breakdown: This will be about 60%-75% based on the original myths and ancient world astrology and real Zodiac statistics and studies , 20%-15% on modern stereotypes and modern astrology, and 15% -10% on situations that have really happened to me.All Rights Reserved