Divergent... with a twist. PS. no Divergent stuff either. Beatrice Prior is trying to figure out what college she is going to. Dauntless University, for the athletics, Abnegation University for the politicians, Amity University for the peacemakers, Candor University for the lawyers, or Erudite University for the scientists. Her parents have both gone to Abnegation University. To be honest... Beatrice doesn't want to have anything to do with politics, she wants to be an athlete. The only college where anyone is anything is DAUNTLESS UNIVERSITY!!!
Where instructors will push you to your limits. So, on the day of the admittance test, a test that tells you where you truly belong, Beatrice is naturally, very nervous.
By: FourTris888 and ALConley46
Basically, the sin of sloth got transported to the world of demons, reapers, and angles by her littler brother greed. Let's see how sloth have a new eve by a demon butler.