Book 2: Harry.
"Because" I took a deep breath, "Because, Alright. You know my friend Grimmy?"
"The radio host?"
"Yes" I sigh. "He has a girlfriend, Molly."
"Well, before Grimmy started seeing her, i used to talk to her. We went out a few times, and talked. But nothing happened between us, as much as i wanted it too. I was to afraid to ask her to be my girlfriend. We never had sex, or kissed. But there's something about her, just the way she walks into a room and everything lights up that I was truly captivated by. I invited her to one of the party's Grimmy had at his flat, and it wasn't an hour that we were there that Nick was snogging her. Just like that, before I even had the chance she was gone. And it's not one of those situations where you could just move on and forget about it, she's dating one of my best mates and I can't do anything about it. So i know how it feels, Casey. I know how much it hurts Maybe one day I'll have a chance with Molly. I know one day you'll have a chance with Liam again. It's fate."
If I knew fate meant watching the girl of my dreams fall in love with my best friend I wouldn't have made that statement. You'd think I'd have everything, that I'd be one hundred percent content with my life. Truth is, I didn't get the girl.
The girl I'm hopelessly in love with, the girl I want to spend every day of my life with is soon to be wed to my best mate- and I'm the best man helping them plan their dream wedding. Could it get any worse?
The answer is yes.