Naruto was left in isolation to deal with his pain and suffering that he was dealt with. All the cause of the village who detest his very existence. Believing the blonde boy would be better off dead. Naruto hides behind his mask in order to see another day, even if he doesn't really want to. But after becoming a genin the mask he worked so hard to protect was slowly torn apart with each day on his new team. Even though he wished it hadn't. The human sacrifice everyone seemed to know and hate. The person who held what they feared. Left to be in isolation by force, since everyone ostracized the boy, besides a selective few. He was known as the nine tails jinjuriki. The vessel of a beast. Yet everyone sees only what they want and what they see is a beast in human form. A destructive power ready to destroy the village with a snap of his fingers. So to keep that from happening. The villagers show him what true pain and misery is to keep him in his place. Yet the boy.. Naruto Uzumaki doesn't live to what they expect him to be.
9 parts