This is an intro to my intro.
ALERT to all you beautiful people who are looking to read something that is filled with shit loads of randomnosity. Look no further. Jk look over there, there is more randomness over there. But just read this and if you don't like it well. I dk. Just don't be hatin on me. Be like McDonalds and if you think McDonalds has nasty food then be likd BOTDF and say, "I'm lonvin' it," I'm as cereal as being serious. I dk. Hope you all like it. Tacos.
About the Random author
I lurve writing poems and short stories^.^. I'm an emo kid, I think,=.= because I love dressing like them>.< jk jk...i'm not emo...i hate stereotypes. I love bright and black clothes combination.XD My mood is apathetic O_O JK!!!:P I am happy.