The alarm blared.
Lights flickered.
An experiment gone wrong.
It was chasing me.
I knew it was.
I turned corners quickly and sloppily.
I ran for the elevator.
Open, open, open, open, open, open, open, open.
The door opened.
I stepped inside.
Close, close, close, close, close, close, close, close.
I watched the hallway.
I hoped with everything I had that it wouldn't be there.
The door closed.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
I knew I was safe.
Or thought.
And I also knew to always look everywhere.
Especially up.
Well, now I do.
But that doesn't help me now.
It was there.
It got me.
Dustin looked up at you, his dark eyes glistened at you, he saw something in you that nobody else saw. His smile lit up the room as it widened, you smiled back.
THIS IS DUSTIN HENDERSON x A FEMALE READER - Even if you're not female, the characters refer to you as "she" and there is stuff that only females can do, (getting pregnant is one of them)
This is (or should be) a very fluffy story
Language is advised!
*Characters are aged up, I won't go as far as actually doing stuff, but there will be some inappropriate parts, so BE WARNED!*
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