I screamed and stomped my foot and ran off as tears started flowing. My mom will never understand anything. Ever. I ran up to my room and hid in the closet. She will never understand that I don't need to learn math. I'm never going to remember it so she minds as well just give it up! D: By the way, my name is Makayla Jensen. I am 14 years old and I can't do math for the life of me. :( I have dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. I never leave my hair down because I hate the way it looks. I hardly go anywhere with out eyeliner...but that's all the make up I usaully wear. I'm not the skinniest girl in the world... but I excirse a lot... being I have nothing better to do. I'm homeschooled.... as you could tell... Anyway my mom has no faith in me. I have massive anger isusses.... I think.... It's really easy to get me mad. So... beware..... I love Cody Simpson, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Arvil Lavinge, Nickle Back, Greenday, Kelly Clarkson, Jonas Brothers, Colton Dixon, Greyson Chance, Anything 80's, One Republic even though I only know like 2 songs, Hilary Duff, and I hate Justin Bieber. I HATE HIM SOOOOO BEEP'N BAD!!