A young 12 year old black boy named Jonas Williams, lives in a dangerous neighbourhood filled by dangerous people. Jonas's father was shot and killed by a gang that roams the neighbourhood, causing his mom to become a complete reck, She started to drink and do drugs such as Cocaine, Meth, Marijuana, Heroin, and a variety of pills. Jonas is living the cold, sad life of a neglected child. At only age 12, Jonas has to make it on his own and learn how to survive on the streets, along with his best friend Tyrone by his side.
This story is about a Drug Lords family the pros and cons the ups and the downs . 20 year old molly and 22 year old jay struggle to figure out their feelings for each other after he returns home from jail . Will the past and judgment make them stronger or fall apart ? Will they except each other's past mistakes or will it haunt them ?