"This day can not get any worse!!!" "One of the most ANNOYING boys in school now knows MY SECRET!!" "My life is gonna have a major twist now....." It was hard enough that Mira's dad had left her mom, sister and her but, now she is stuck with one of the many boys she hates in her high school, Drake Johnson. Mira just HOPES Drake will keep his mouth shut..... It's a good thing she trained to become smarter, faster, and stronger this school year........ "This is our secret... And our secret only, no telling anyone!" He just smiles...... Characters!: Mira~ Long straight, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, freckles. Drake~ Shaggy blonde hair, light green eyes. Ashlee~ Friend of Mira, red curly hair, grey eyes. Megan~ friend of Mira, light brown hair, dark brown eyes. Moron Trio~ Cole~ black hair, blue eyes moron #2, Shane~ blond hair, light brown eyes moron #1, Mark~ had brown hair dyed it blue, dark green eyes.