Axle Xavier Van Cogworth was born a royal and stolen as a baby, but his captors were slaughtered near the border and he was raised in an orphanage. Despite his rough childhood, he was quite a happy young boy because he always had his dog Gears. Gears was his best friend and he followed Axle everywhere. In school, Axle developed a facination with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets. He studied like crazy, but always had time for Gears. One day when he was playing fetch, Axle threw his bone too far and it landed in the woods by his house. Gears went to go get it and after a while, he didn't come back. Axle found him with one paw missing and bite marks everywhere. Doing the only thing he knew how to, he made an invention. A new leg for his pup. Now 11, he has black hair and hazel eyes. Tall and muscular for his age, he was a rather reserved boy and finds pleasure in the little things, like the ticking of clocks and properly fitted suspenders.