Something Eleanor Bentley always loved. She's always wanted to play the piano and join chorus, but her mother would rather her work on school work and not be distracted with music.
Nathan Darkis on the other hand has all his family's support with music. He and his friends, Tyson, Mason, Josh, and Chase are in a band together. The schools most popular band.
When the school announces a Battle of the Bands contest, all the students are thrilled. Eleanor wants to do it, but she's afraid she won't have her mother's support and she doesn't know how to play an instrument.
Lucky for her, her mom's work called in saying she had to go out of town for a couple of days. So, Eleanor has to stay at her neighbors, which is Nathan. Maybe he could teach her to play the piano.
Working on her music, she may discover secrets about her she never knew.
I'm horrible at descriptions, but I hope it makes sense. I have a lot of ideas for this story. :)