Alex and Thomas just out of Collage, a Soulmate pair for four years. Everything is looking up, but Things area bit bumpy now that the two own The Little Book store. Alex's anxiety a light bother now that Thomas can help him. He's still not used to being taken care of but he'll get used to it. Alex has started a novel a second one to the first one he wrote in collage. Alex is a Known Author not huge but big enough to worry himself. Thomas has been so happy already got a job offer to work as a Lawyer in a small law firm. He loves the Small Boyfriend of his. He's such a happy little lion now. Thomas was scared to ask him the big question, to scared he'd hurt him or scare him off. Yet Alex now wore the Soulmate ring on him ring finger his mothers ring on his pointer. Thomas noticed little things about him that no one else would, like how he bits his lip when he's pissed off and doesn't want anyone to know. Or how he pulled on his ears when he's reading, or when he twirls his hair in between his fingers when he's thinking. Or how he makes this cute little noise when he's surprised or startled. All in all The Two where happy. Sequel to Just Give me a ChanceAll Rights Reserved