This is a modern/contemporary short story based on the themes and ideas of A Midsummer Night's Dream. This follows the modern day Titania and Oberon, in this case, Mr. and Mrs. Fay, and how their jealousy and manipulation lead to divorce. However, weird and supernatural things are happening as the couple gets more heated in an argument.
This was an assignment for my Lit class and thought it would be cool to see what you guys think. We had to do a creative response to the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. We could do this in any form; pictures, art, poetry, short story etc.
Basically, it's Titania and Oberon in a modern world as a divorcing couple (as in the play they are separate for a period). Thier mood affects nature, alluding to their fairy nature.
A bit different from my usual stuff, hope you like :)