Meet Angelica Davenport. Her parents died when she was three years old, actually, they commited suicide on her third birthday. Her Grandparents took her in, and after four years, when she was seven- they put her in an adoption center.
*Her grandparents used to love her unconditionally, but when her parents commited suicide, they eventually concluded that it was the little sass bomb's fault, so they decided to put her in one of the most notoriously known adoption centers for bitchy matrons.
* I spent the next five years of my life in a miniature endless void of misery. Then, thank God, I was finally dragged out of it by an amazing person by the name of Lilly Singh. Here's my life with her.
cover by: @CLgraphics
Caroline Ellstrom is a troubled teen with anger scarring her heart. Her parents disowned her after she came out as bisexual to them. Now, she's not the person she once was. She distances herself from people, and she doesn't know how to trust anymore.
Can some very special people teach her that it's okay to let people in again?